Hi, I'm James Mirro & I'm a photographer.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare, eros dolor interdum nulla.

Wedding Photography

Wedding photography is often called the bread and butter of photographers — but that doesn't mean it has to be boring. Quite the opposite!


Sports Photography

Sports photography is awesome. Sitting on the sidelines with a massive telephoto allows me to get right into the action — I love shooting sports where there's a lot of explosive movement.


Portrait Photography

Who doesn't love portrait photography? I love being able to capture that expression, quirk, smile or whatever, that sort of defines a person.


Architecture Photography

The nice thing about shooting architecture (in my opinion) is that it's so easy to do. Seriously, just pick up your camera and get out there.


Animal Photography

Whenever I'm travelling I always make sure to pack gear that allows me to capture the local wildlife. The eagle that takes flight in this picture is probably my most prized image.


Food Photography

I do food photography for blogs, restaurants, influencers, YouTube channels — but most importantly (if I manage to cook something that looks good) — I do food photography for myself.


Nature Photography

Landscape photography just never gets old. Someone told me that those are the kinds of pictures you never look. Well, I don't agree.


Preset Store

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare, eros dolor interdum nulla.

Mirro Preset Pack Vol. 01

The first volume is my go-to presets when shooting action sports. Just the right amount of contrast and highlights to make your photo (literally) pop!

Mirro Preset Pack Vol. 01

Vol. 02 is dedicated solely to landscape photography. Pay attention to your exposure while out there and these presets will make your photos look great.

Mirro Preset Pack Vol. 01

These are a collection of my most used wedding presets — use with caution as you'll end up loving wedding photography.
Wan't to work together? Follow the link and let's get in touch.